ADT7462ACPZ-REEL Thermal Management by ON Semiconductor

System Fan Controller with Flexible Temperature and Voltage Monitor

Status: Unknown
Series: ADT7462
RoHS: Compliant
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The ADT7462 is a flexible systems monitor IC, suitable for use in a wide variety of applications. It can monitor temperature in up to three remote locations, as well as its ambient temperature. There are up to four PWM outputs. These can be used to control the speed of a cooling fan by varying the % duty cycle of the PWM drive signal applied to the fan. The ADT7462 supports high frequency PWM for 4-wire fans and low frequency PWM for 2-wire and 3-wire fans. Up to eight TACH inputs can be used to measure the speed of 3-wire and 4-wire fans. There are up to 13 voltage monitoring inputs, ranging from 12 V to 0.9 V.
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One Local and up to Three Remote Temperature Channels, Series Resistance Cancellation on Remote Channels
Thermal Protection Using THERM Pins
Up to Four PWM Fan Drive Outputs, Supports Both High and Low Frequency PWM Drives
Up to Eight TACH Inputs Measures the Speed of 3-wire and 4-wire Fans
Automatic Fan Speed Control Loop Includes Dynamic TMIN Control
Monitors up to 13 Voltage Inputs
Monitors up to 7 VID Inputs Includes VID-on-fly Support
Bidirectional Reset
Chassis Intrusion Detect
SMBus 1.1- and SMBus 1.0-compatible
3.3 V and 5 V Operation
Thermal Management
Game Consoles
Multi-Channel Analog Receiver/Amplifier
End Products
Notebook and Desktop Computers
RFID Readers

Alternative Descriptions

ADT7462 Series 3 to 5.5 V Surface Mount Flexible Systems Monitor IC - LFCSP-32 | Future Electronics
Flexible Systems Monitor IC, 3 V to 5.5 V, 32 Pins, LFCSP-EP | Avnet Asia
Monitor, Voltage & Temperature, 1.5Ma, 5.5V, Lfcsp-32, Full Reel | Newark Electronics

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Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I find additional details, specifications and documents for a ADT7462ACPZ-REEL?

Additional datasheets, footprints and schematics for ADT7462ACPZ-REEL are listed on our Part Details page. You can also find images and similar parts to ADT7462ACPZ-REEL on this page.

What pricing and inventory information can I view?

Distributor pricing and stock information is available for ADT7462ACPZ-REEL on our Product Comparison page. Access via the 'View Pricing & Stock' button to view ADT7462ACPZ-REEL price breaks, MOQs, lead times, inventory and SKUs from distributors.

What category does ADT7462ACPZ-REEL fall under?

The ADT7462ACPZ-REEL is listed under Sensors > Thermal Management > Fan Controllers.

Can I view similar or alternative parts?

You can view similar parts to ADT7462ACPZ-REEL when available in the Fan Controllers range under the specifications section at the bottom of the details page.

Who can I contact for technical support of the product?

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Is the ADT7462ACPZ-REEL RoHS compliant?

Yes. This part has been flagged as RoHS Compliant by ON Semiconductor.

Which authorised distributors for ADT7462ACPZ-REEL have stock available?

Authorised distributors including Future Electronics, Avnet Asia, Avnet America, Avnet Silica and EBV Elektronik have stock available or on a lead time for ADT7462ACPZ-REEL.

How do I check stock and lead times for all distributors?

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