API and Plugin


Access the data via our API

Use our Part Search API to find electronics distributor data by manufacturer part number.

Find electronic part details and data using a full or partial part number including pricing, inventory, datasheets, specs and compliance. Gain access to our data using our API containing over 30 million parts and components from thousands of manufacturers.

  • Quickly and reliably integrate data into your projects
  • Access pricing and stock information in real-time from distributors
  • Specify currency and/or country for localised pricing and inventory distributor data

The oemsecrets electronic component API gives users access to part data from distributors including Digikey, Farnell, RS, Arrow, Mouser, Avnet, Future and many more. The API can help manufacturers source parts, pricing, inventory and specifications for projects including bill of materials management, custom design tools, integration into CRM or ERP software etc. Contact us for more information and documentation today, to gain access to millions of electronics parts data.

Available Data Information
Lead Times Indicates when the next shipment of stock will be available from a distributor by number of weeks.
Pricing Includes multiple price breaks for better volume pricing. Pricing is available in the original currency received from distributors and the converted currency. Pricing is often in real-time from distributors.
Distributor Shows the distributors store location and region with localised links to buy based on geo-location.
Images Offers part images to make it easier to identify components. Transparent distributor logos are also available
Stock Shows distributor stock availability often in real-time. Other data includes Minimum order Quantities(MOQ), standard pack sizes the product must be ordered in, package types such as for IC’s to show through hole or surface mount packaging.
Datasheets Datasheets are readily available to assist with product selection and to determine more technical specs. Datasheets also help to identify key product features, compatible devices, related products and applications.
Custom Built Plugin

We provide a design concept and documentation on how to set up the plugin. We then work closely with your team to ensure the the design and functionality suits your requirements.

Fill out the form to request a demo of how we can help integrate the plugin into your site or platform.

Custom built plugins

We also offer custom built plugins and help integrate them into your site or platform.

We help make the integration seamless by developing a plugin to match your sites design and functionality. Work with our developers to choose what information you wish to display, saving you development time and resources.

  • Show authorised distributor inventory on manufacturer websites
  • Display pricing and inventory in product articles
  • Integrate a full price comparison search tool into your site

Partner Examples

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